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发布时间:2017-06-28 编辑: 来源:


Speaker 1: Jiebo Luo (IEEE Fellow)
Professor Jiebo Luo joined the University of Rochester (UR) in 2011 after a prolific career of over fifteen years at Kodak Research Laboratories. His research spans computer vision, machine learning, data mining, social media, biomedical informatics, and ubiquitous computing. He has published extensively in these fields with 300+ peer-reviewed papers and 90+ granted US patents. He has been involved in numerous technical conferences, including serving as the program chair of ACM Multimedia 2010, IEEE CVPR 2012, and IEEE ICIP 2017. He has served on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Pattern Recognition, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), Machine Vision and Applications, and Journal of Electronic Imaging. He is a Fellow of the SPIE, IEEE, and IAPR. He is a Data Science CoE Distinguished Researcher with the Georgen Institute for Data Science at UR.

Talk Title: Computer Vision ++: Where Do We Go from Here?
Abstract: With the huge successes of deep learning in computer vision, many vision problems are seemingly being solved. Where do we go from here? We will discuss a few directions where computer vision, a later boomer in the AI family after speech processing and NLP, can team up with other siblings and friends to continue to push the frontiers of AI. 

Speaker 2: 梅涛 (IAPR fellow, Distinguished Scientist of ACM)
Bio:梅涛博士,微软亚洲研究院资深研究员,国际模式识别学会会士 ,美国计算机协会杰出科学家 ,中国科技大学和中山大学兼职教授博导。主要研究兴趣为多媒体分析、计算机视觉和机器学习,在顶级学术期刊和会议上发表论文百余篇,获最佳论文十余次,拥有 40余项国际和美国专利(其中18项授权),研究成果十余次被转化到微软的产品中。他的研究团队目前致力于视频和图像的深度分析、理解和应用。他同时担任 IEEE 和 ACM 两大多媒体顶级汇刊(IEEE TMM 和 ACM TOMM)的编委,并且是多个国际多媒体会议(如 ACM Multimedia, IEEE ICME, IEEE MMSP 等) 的大会主席和程序委员会主席。他分别于 2001 年和 2006 年在中国科技大学获学士和博士学位。

报告题目: 人工智能借小冰一双慧眼


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






