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新西兰奥克兰理工大学Reinhard Klette教授学术讲座

发布时间:2015-12-17 编辑: 来源:

Speaker: Prof. Reinhard Klette

Host: Prof. Changhe Tu

Time: 10:00-11:00 am, Dec 17, 2015

Venue: Lecture Hall, 2rd Floor, Administration Building


TitleStereo Vision-Based Driver Assistance

Abstract: The talk focuses on stereo-vision-based subject for vision-based driver assistance. Stereo vision is an integral part of modern car control systems since March 2013. The selected subjects are

1. Stereo matching: achieved performance and a brief discussion of variations

of algorithms

2. Segmentation of traffic scenes: use of stereo vision and temporal propagation to go towards semantic segmentation

3. Visual odometry: use of stereo vision and GPS data to achieve very accurate trajectory calculations

4. 3D roadside reconstruction: use of 3D data collected during a single or

multiple runs through a road for 3D modelling of roadsides

The talks informs about applied methods, discusses successes and open problems, and illustrates by showing experimental examples. The talk assumes that the audience is familiar with concepts in computer vision.

报告人简介Klette教授现任新西兰皇家科学院院士,新西兰奥克兰理工大学教授,机器人与视觉研究中心主任,30年来一直致力于计算机视觉领域的研究,是该领域享誉全球的科学家。2003年,与美国马里兰大学Azriel Rosenfeld教授合作编著首部综合性专著《数字图像几何算法》(Digital Geometry, Morgan Kaufmann出版社)。2006年至今,在基于视觉的辅助驾驶、性能评估和改进视频处理算法(立体匹配和光流)等研究领域做出了杰出贡献。1995年至今,多次应邀作为重要国际学术会议的主讲嘉宾。 20114月至201310月任JCET(控制工程和技术)期刊创刊主编。2001年至2008年任IEEE—PAMI副主编(电子工程领域引用率最高的期刊)。每两年一次的欧洲图像和模式计算机分析国际会议(CAIP)指导委员会终身荣誉委员,环太平洋图像和视频技术国际会议(PSIVT)指导委员会委员。执教以来先后指导25名博士生完成学业并顺利毕业。


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






